Friday, December 25, 2015

My New Novel "Lukisan the Devil and the Monster"

This is my new novel, "Lukisan the Devil and the Monster." It has been released this December. You can order at

The story is about a woman lecturer, named Zafira. She has dedicated herself to her work and her students. She always spends most her time to pay attention to her students. 

Unluckily, not all students are respectful to her kindness. One of the most just like a bean which forget the cover and even hurt Zafira and insulted her too deep.

What next? Just order this book at or order directly to the author at 083893450921 or 083808392868.  

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Get What You Want Without 'Black Magic Power'

Do you know how hard if you are honest to someone, but she is a liar?

 Stupid thing that you shouldn't do is to make the same mistakes many times and makes someone hurt.

 Sometimes you should be careful if you want to pay attention's to someone you care until you forget to think about yourself.

 Good man is a good hunter to reach his love not use the 'magical power' to attract girl's attention.

You can find these statements all in my new novel 'Lukisan the Devil and the Monster' next December. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Monster In Your Side

The beauty comes outside
The sweetness comes outside
The biterness comes inside
The sadness comes inside

Have you ever known the person beside you
Have you ever thought the good person she is
Have you ever thought she will hurt you
Have you ever guessed she will kill you

Be careful with all, 
Be careful to people come to you
Be careful to those who are not good to you but you never know
Be careful with the camouflage of them

They will change into the monster
They will eat you up just like the monster
They will push you down just like the monster
They will beat you just like the monster

Just read my new novel about 'Lukisan the Devil and the Monster' so you will know everything about the person who is monster inside.

Wait for next december. It will be published in Indonesian language and English. Just contact +6283893450921

Monday, October 5, 2015

My New Novel 'Lukisan the Devil and the Monster

Have you ever thought you will get the bad people in the future?
Have you ever thought those bad people will be your closed people in your part of your life?
Have you ever thought those bad people will ruin your future and make your future just like a nightmare?

If you want to know more about that, wait for my becoming novel, the title is 'Lukisan the Devil and the Monster." That edition will be in bahasa Indonesian, but it can be in English if there are many offers to make in English.  Just wait for the due time of the published novel.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Story of My life

Setiap kejadian ada ada hikmahnya                        Setiap hikmah membuat kita semakin berhati-hati. Kita tidak akan pernah mengira kalau orang yang sangat dekat dengan kita tiba-tiba menjadi sangat jauh dengan kita. 

Kita tidak akan pernah menyangka kalau orang yang sudah kita anggap sebagai bagian dari hidup kita, tiba-tiba menjadi bagian dari mimpi buruk kita dan kita tidak menginginkan hal itu, tapi itu sudah terjadi.

Kita harus rela melepaskannya, karena dia sudah bukan dari bagian dari mimpi di 'malam-malam biru' kita.

Kita harus rela melepaskannya, walau seburuk apapun yang terjadi dengan bagian dari hidup kita yang telah lepas.

Itulah yang terjadi dengan Zafira, ketika dia begitu peduli terhadap salah satu anak didiknya, hingga dianggap sebagai bagian dari hidupnya, susah senang semua dirasakannya, tapi apa yang terjadi, seperti mimpi buruk saja, tiba-tiba lukisan the devil and the monster itu muncul dihadapannya tanpa dia sadari.

Simak kisah lebih lanjut tentang ini di 'Lukisan the Devil and the Monster' yang akan terbit dua bulan lagi. Bisa dipesan pada penulis langsung di 083893450921 atau 083808392868.

Monday, September 28, 2015

In God's Permission, Everything Will Be Changed For A Minute

Dengan kehendak dari  Allah, semua akan terjadi. Begitu pula dengan dokter Andina. Di usianya yang masih muda, dia sudah menjadi dokter bedah jantung di Illinois.

Tidak muda menjadi seorang dokter bedah di usia yang masih muda, apalagi pasien yang dia tangani kali ini adalah putra dari pemilik rumah sakit tempat dia bekerja. 

Setelah melalui diskusi panjang dengan rekan sejawat di Illinois Healthcare Center, barulah dokter Andina merasa yakin untuk menangani pasien 'istimewanya' itu, yang tak lain adalah pemuda yang selama ini selalu bersikap acuh dan angkuh padanya.

Sebenarnya apa yang terjadi dengan sang putra sehingga dokter Andina harus 'berpusing ria' merawat sang putra? Ada apa dengan 'Lukisan the Devil and the Monster'? Sejauh apa lukisan itu menyimpan misteri yang nyaris membuat sang putra pemilik rumah sakit di tempat dokter Andina bekerja itu melayang nyawanya?

Bagaimana kelanjutan cerita 'Lukisan the Devil and the Monstee'? Simak terus beritanya, karena 2-3 bulan lagi anda akan mengetahui kisahnya dalam novel terbaru saya. Bisa dipesan di 083893450921 atau 083808392868. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

One of the Main Characters in "Lukisan the Devil and the Monster"

                                  (dr. Andina)
 (Indonesian Version)
Sejak pertama kali bertemu dengan tutor muda itu, dokter Andina sudah merasa ada yang beda dalam hidupnya, namun meraih cinta sejati itu tidak semudah membalik telapak tangan. Cinta hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan walaupun dokter Andina adalah salah satu dokter kesayangan dari pemilik rumah sakit itu yang tak lain adalah ayah kandung dari sang tutor muda itu.

(English Version)
Since the first time doctor Andina met that young tutor, she has fallen in love but love is not as easy as she thinks. From time to time, that young tutor just looked down her and didn't care of her. 

Bagaimanakah cara dokter Andina mendapatkan cinta sejatinya? Mendekati sang bapak, pemilik rumah sakit itu, merayu sang pemuda pujaan?Ternyata semua itu tidak dia lakukan, lalu apa yang dia lakukan?

Simak terus cerita novel ini, karena 3 bulan lagi akan terbit. Tunggu tanggal terbitnya. Hubungi 083893450921 or 083808392868, untuk memesan buku secara online. Tidak dijual di toko buku. Di website penerbit atau ke penulis langsung.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Kisah 'Lukisan the Devil and the Monster"

Selamat datang di blog saya. Kali ini saya ingin memperkenalkan novel saya yang berjudul "Lukisan the Devil and the Monster."
                                                           (Foto hanya rekaan saja, bukan foto asli sang tokoh)
Buku saya ini tak lama lagi akan terbit. Kisahnya tentang perjuangan seorang pria bernama Zack keturunan Arab dan Inggris, untuk mendapatkan cinta sejatinya yang ternyata sang gadis melemparkannya begitu saja akibat ulah seorang lelaki tua berprofesi sebagai seorang dokter spesialis kejiwaan yang menghendaki putranya untuk berjodoh dengan kekasihnya itu, hingga segala daya upaya dilakukan agar Zack putus dari gadisnya yang kemudian hari disebutnya 'the monster,' karena bagaikan 'the monster' yang ingin membunuh Zack hingga dia harus mengalami koma karena ulah gadis itu.

                                                                      (Foto hanya rekaan saja, bukan karakter asli)

Bagaimana peran dokter Andina dalam hidup Zack, dan apa yang dilakukan dokter Andina sebagai doker spesialis bedah jantung untuk mengobati Zack yang koma itu? Dapatkan buku 'Lukisan the Devil and the Monster.' Simak terus beritanya diblog ini juga tanggal terbitnya. 

The Secrets To Make Your Books Best Sellers

(Lukisan the Devil and the Monster)
Shaun Rein shares some simple tips to get  the best seller books.

First step, do campaign to promote your books some months before the books published. Not only to introduce your books but also give the messages.

Remember! Although your books have good contains, if readers don't know your books, and only a little to order for the first time, while your books will be launched, they will fail to get the targets reached.

Second step, you can show the review in the 

media or the site of the reviewers before your 

books published. Send your book to an expert 

and ask her/him to show in the mass media

or her/his private website. By using this way, 

you will get an endorsement from the expert 

that shows your books have the best quality.

The other way based on Shaun Rein is 
offer your book to the company to buy your 
books. On the other hand, You should be 
ready to make a workshop and be ready to be
a speaker for this company free of charge at 
company. view=article&id=147:rahasia-agar-buku-anda-best-seller&catid=34:tips-menulis-

Thursday, September 17, 2015

My New Novel "The Painting of The Devil and the Monster.'

Here now I want to talk about my new becoming novel that will be published soon. It tells about a lecturer who named Zafira. She is so dedicated person. She doesn't just teach her students but also gives love the them. 

Normally, we love some special people and those kinds of people sometimes make us disappointed and hurt us. It happens to Zafira. She has been depressed coz her special students has hurt her. Not only hurt her, but also fought against her coz of her struggling love to the wrong man that Zafira told that man is not good for her. 

Unfortunately, that student didn't want to listen to her. She just keeps on continuing to love that man until one day that man has made her pregnant. Does this call 'love' while a man has made the girl he loves to be pregnant. But love is blind. So she just keeps on continuing her love until her parents asked her to get married while the baby inside. Oh, my God. That's made Zafira so sad, but nobody can't stop that. Perhaps God still gives a temptation to that student. 

In this story, there are still many characters again that will be told. Just keep reading here until the novel will be published. If you want to get it, just pre-order at 083893450921 or 083808392868. Wait and see.