Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fudhail Bercerita Episode 2

Hi, we are Fudhail and Nirmala
We are the hosts from 'Fudhail Bercerita.' We are proud to present our newest episode of 'Fudhail Bercerita' episode 2. You can open this site to watch our project. 

                    (dr. Andreas Kurniawan and the 'host' Fudhail 'the puppet')
In the second episode we talk about another extraordinary person who is a young doctor, dr. Andreas Kurniawan. He is a doctor but he is also a writer of 'bahan ajar koas racun.' His book talked about his experiences while he was a co-assistant doctor. He made the book so different from the other books, 'so extraordinary.' That's why the crews from 'Fudhail Bercerita' came to him to interview him. So watch that project, 'free of charge.' 

Don't forget to watch this project at